Importance of the Galapagos Guide

The Galapagos Guide, your Wise Trip Companion

As travelers, sometimes, we want to be on our own because as soon as we have gained more travel experience, we want to have more freedom in discovering the destination. However, some sites are too fragile and require the guidance of a professional, who is going to give us the best advises for enjoying the beauties and wonders of the place. That is the case in the Galapagos Islands.

Galapagos is not only known for its huge contribution to Darwin´s Theory of Evolution, back in the 16th century, but also for its fragile ecosystem and harsh conditions of the archipelago. Therefore, the National Park Directorate has set a series of rules that every visitor and local must follow. Not in vain, the first rule listed is the need to be accompanied by a professional certified naturalist guide for being able to visit the protected areas within the national park. However…

Why as an experienced traveler should you take the advice of the local Galapagos guide?

Importance of the Galapagos Guide

First of all, guides in the Galapagos Islands have been trained to preserve the ecosystem as well as maximize your experience within the archipelago by trying to fulfilling, and sometimes exceeding your expectations.

Naturalist guides not only can explain to you the unique characteristics of the Galapagos species, the volcanic geology, and the stories of the islands. Their experience has taught them where and when is the best time for taking the most amazing picture of your life, for example, or the best way for you to preserve your precious belongings, especially electronics, from the sea water and salty air.

Importance of the Galapagos Guide

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Galapagos guides are willing and excited to offer us an unforgettable experience while keeping us safe from any imprudence that sometimes we do for looking that freedom wanted during the trip.

Guides are also very strict by making you follow the national park rules such as not touching the species, not taking pictures with flash, or don´t letting you take unauthorized paths. However, also, they are constantly advising you how to embark or disembark the zodiac, seat and protect your things on a rainy day or a rough sea zodiac ride, or protect your skin from the Equatorial sun and avoid sunburn.

Without a doubt, naturalist guides in the Galapagos Islands are a combination of new friend, superheroes, teachers, patrols, and the entertainment guy of your cruise, day tour or land-based tour.

Importance of the Galapagos Guide

If you don´t know yet how to behave in Galapagos, what to bring or not to your trip, what to wear, and what you shouldn´t miss bringing with you, please check the following posts and prepare your checklist.

  1. Galapagos National Park: 14 rules to follow
  2. Top FAQ about Galapagos
  3. Packing list for a cruise trip to the Galapagos Islands

For more information, don´t hesitate to contact us at [email protected]

We invite you to read this free guide “Preparing your Trip to Galapagos

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