Also known as “Small Galapagos,” Isla de la Plata is a hidden treasure 17 miles off the coast of Ecuador. With almost seven square kilometers, this uninhabited island harbors blue-footed boobies, Nazca boobies, Galapagos’ frigates, sea tortoises and other singular species. There are several trails across the island to explore its amazing ecosystem above sea level as well as below surface. Snorkelling will let you discover a submarine world where you can spot giant rays and other aquatic species. From June through October we will watch how large groups of humpback whales from the Antarctic Ocean, arrive to our coast to mate and reproduce in warmer waters. An extraordinary display of playful acrobatics above water will captivate us while we traverse the sea to our next destination.
Activities: Trekking, Sightseeing, Bird Watching, Water Activities, Diving, Whale Watching
Venture into the Cacao Route and be part of a select group of people privileged to see the oldest cocoa trees in the world, the Heritage trees. More than 200 years old, they yield the rarest cocoa beans that are harvested, processed, aged (like wine) and turned into unique chocolate creations following artisanal techniques. Meet the community of producers responsible for keeping the tradition alive and indulge in a gastronomic experience that includes a Cacao Tasting Lunch menu and a “Tree to Bar” chocolate tasting with local expert chocolatiers. An unforgettable event that will connect your senses with the surrounding nature, culture, tradition and gastronomy
Activities: Gastronomy, Communities, Trekking