when to go to Galapagos

What is the best time of year to go to the Galapagos?

Deciding when to go to Galapagos often depends the activities that interest you, and the type of wildlife you want to see. There are two seasons in the Galapagos Islands, cool and dry (June to November) and warm and wet (December to June), so when to go to Galapagos really depends on what you want to do. Are you interested in watching giant Galapagos tortoises hatch, following the penguin migration, or seeing baby blue-footed boobies? Does the perfect water temperature to snorkel among tropical fish and white-tipped sharks interest you? Are you all about spotting whales or observing baby sea lions? Or are you looking for the perfect diving conditions in a pristine location? When to go to Galapagos is one of the most frequently asked questions of tourists to their travel agents.

Things To Do During Rainy Season

For anyone into incredible reptiles, the beginning of the year is when to go to Galapagos. That’s when green sea turtles lay their eggs on the beaches. They hatch two months after being laid, and baby turtles scramble down the beach to the sea. From December to March, baby giant tortoises also hatch. Around the same time, marine iguanas begin nesting. Also during this warm season, Galapagos penguins migrate from Bartolome to Isabela and Fernandina, and it’s mating season for frigate birds on San Cristobal and Genovesa. Many of the islands are blanketed in blossoming spring flowers.

Although there’s a possibility of a daily shower, this time of year is excellent for beach lovers because sea and land temperatures are nice and warm, and the water is the perfect temperature for snorkeling, kayaking, and diving.

During April, May, and June, the waved albatross begin nesting on Española, and visitors may witness the spectacular courtship dance of the blue-footed boobies on several islands. For bird enthusiasts, this is when to go to Galapagos!

Rainy season Galapagos Islands

Things To Do During Dry Season

Coming into the cooler months, blue-footed boobies and flightless cormorants are nesting, penguins are courting and sea lions are breeding. September through November, there are babies everywhere! Visitors to the highlands will find giant Galapagos tortoises freshly returned from nesting. This is a perfect time to visit lava tunnels and volcano craters.

For scuba divers, this is when to go to Galapagos because the sea is filled with marine life, the water is warm, and visibility is good. At 20m, it can be like an aquarium with schools of hammerhead sharks. Lucky divers may spot whale sharks off the northernmost islands at this time of year. It’s also not unusual to see a pod of dolphins racing alongside the boat.

Pretty much any time is when to go to Galapagos as there is a fantastic range of wildlife spectacles taking place year-round in the archipelago, and a plethora of all-weather activities to choose from to ensure that visitors have the best experience possible in the enchanted islands. Whether you prefer nice warm weather with a few showers or dry cool days, there is no doubt it will be a magical vacation to remember forever.

Dry season galapagos Islands

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